Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Feb 19 2012 - 00:00
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Dr. Ghazanfari addressing public relation managers: Diversifying forex resources should be a common national goal

The industry, mine and trade minister believes that diversifying foreign exchange resources should be turned into a common national goal in order to help the domestic economy boost its status as an economy which relies on non-oil revenues.

According to Shata, Dr. Mehdi Ghazanfari addressed the first national seminar of the Industry, Mine and Trade Ministry’s public relation managers, saying that to materialize the objective of export-oriented production a common goal should first be defined and then activities should be directed toward achieving the goal.  

The industry, mine and trade minister said that linking with beneficiaries requires long-term planning, applying methods and techniques proportional with the macro strategy. He referred to equitable dissemination of information, status of decision making and decision taking, development of human resources, management of knowledge and production of applied science, supervision, analysis, action orientation, agility and international approach as the stance and responsibility of public relations.

He emphasized on the importance of the two-way relation between public relations and beneficiaries, saying that managing relations with beneficiaries in line with strategic subjects of an organization using special methods and systems is the core duty of public relations.

Dr. Ghazanfari went on to say that the Industry, Mine and Trade Ministry has above 40 percent share in the gross domestic production. This issue indicates that this newly established ministry is the most important entity in making policies for production and business sectors and in this regard activities of the public relations unit in the ministry is of paramount importance, he added. 

He referred to supporting production and trade, improving productivity, realizing the goal of reducing end prices, entering world markets through supplying export-oriented products, guaranteeing Iranian-made products, observing rights of customers, and managing imports as among approaches of the Industry, Mine and Trade Ministry. He expressed the hope that public relation units would play an active role toward realizing the goal.

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 80040
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Feb 19 2012 00:00
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