Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Oct 17 2014 - 00:00
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Dr. Norouzzadeh visiting South Pars gas field:

and Foreign Partnership Will Secure Hopeful Future for Industrial Development

The chairman
of the board of directors of the Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization of Iran (IDRO), as well as the deputy industry, mining, and trade
minister Seyed Reza Norouzzadeh, paid a visit to phases 14, 17, and 18 of the
South Pars gas field. He emphasized the need for competitiveness and foreign
partnership as the two factors which can secure a hopeful future for industrial

 The Industrial
Development and Renovation Organization of Iran has been diverging from its
fundamental duties. This is due to responsibilities which are shouldered by the
organization. We should make efforts to return IDRO to its main duties toward
industrial development and creating a competitive atmosphere in the country

IDRO is tasked
with creating a competitive atmosphere in the country, Dr. Norouzzadeh said,
adding that the organization should move in line with industrial developments
in advanced countries and take advantage of modern technologies in industrial
development projects in the country

developmental organizations are of paramount importance in the world. Their
role in the trend of industrial development of nations is becoming more and
more important. So, we are witnessing that governments support such organizations
to attain the goal of industrial development, he added

The chairman
of the board of directors of the Industrial Development and Renovation
Organization of Iran went on to say that the development of oil, gas, and
transportation industries, especially rail transportation, is among the most
important duties of IDRO. We should be able to compete with rivals in these
industries and lower the end prices in order to be able to launch new projects
and find new markets, as well, he explained

Elsewhere in
his remarks, he said that finding foreign partners is inevitable for us to
carry on. We should have enough information about the market and boost our
international relations, he concluded

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 80099
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Oct 17 2014 00:00
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