IDRO says drafting plan to introduce 500-world class managers

Deputy Industry Minister Dr. Mansour Moazami has announced that a plan is being drafted at IDRO with the aim of training and preparing 500-world class managers to make the best use of the post-sanctions opportunities. Over the past years, bulk of the investment in Iran has been channeled into hardware infrastructures and this is while any sort of investment in human resources bears fruit in the long-run, , the IDRO chairman said, addressing a session held on the issue.The necessity to train industry managers, as a key component of capable human resources repertoire, is a highlight in the IDRO charter.“The industry minister has commissioned me to embark on the plan and we strongly believe we have got what it takes considering IDRO’s 50 years of experience,” said Dr. Moazami, adding that the agenda boosts the underpinnings of human resources management knowledge in the country. Elsewhere in his remarks, Dr. Moazami referred to contracts signed with foreigners in the automotive industry, saying, “Very soon we sign a contract and three or four more will be finalized by the end of the year.” “In the near future, a private-run company will finalize an agreement with a German automaker.” The IDRO chairman emphasized that a key point to bear in mind is the partnership of Iranian companies with international brands no matter which company that can be. On how Iranian automakers are managed, the IDRO chairman noted, “the companies have been privatized and the Industry Ministry’s mission is one of policy making which all automakers have to abide by.” “Managerial decisions made by the automakers are by no means influenced by the government. The government accounts for only 13 percent and 14.5 percent in value and production terms, respectively. This is while the amount can be as high as 20 percent as allowed by law.” On whether IDRO has any plan to divest its shares to automakers, Dr. Moazami said, “There is no legal obstacle to this and if the government wishes so, IDRO has to.” “We have to produce quality cars with logical prices. In quality terms, there has been growth compared to the previous year, as ascertained by ISOS,” the IDRO official said with regard to the quality and price of cars manufactured in the country.However, there is a huge difference between what it is and what is should be and the Industry Ministry has to set the stage for the Iranian automakers to promote standards, he noted. To achieve the goal, there is a need for entering into partnership with international brands as other countries such as Brazil, China, Turkey, and South Korea, as giant car manufacturers, have experienced, the IDRO chairman said. .“China and Turkey manufacture 21 and three million cars per annum as compared to our less than one million last year.” The IDRO chairman seemed quite confident about the future of the automotive industry in the country, citing the increase in production this year.“Not only do we see not a crisis in the industry but also we see growth. We churned out as many as 900,000 cars last year to hit 1,200,000 this year.” On IDRO’s high-tech agenda, Dr. Moazami said it remains a priority: “we have already divested a number of high-tech projects. In some huge progress has been made.” Regarding IDRO’s activities in the energy sector, he said phases 17 and 18 of South Pars gas field will be finalized by the end of the year and phase 14 will also meet the Oil Ministry’s expectations soon.