Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Dec 17 2022 - 14:26
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Emphasis on Using Domestic Capabilities in Manufacture of Civil Helicopters

On the sidelines of the 11th Iran International Airshow and Aerospace Exhibition on Kish Island, Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) and Russian Helicopters Company held a joint conference and reviewed bilateral cooperation in the field of manufacture and supply of civil helicopters.


Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade and Head of IDRO Mr. Ali Navavi in the meeting noted that IDRO for years has put on its agenda to meet the needs of the country for rescue helicopters in different fields, adding that in the project for manufacture and provision of light civil helicopters, IDRO considers using the domestic manufacturing capabilities and transfer of technology as well as using knowledge-based capacities’ capabilities in the process of producing the product and parts.

Nabavi pointed to the signed MoU between IDRO and Russian Helicopters Company and emphasized that joint investment in production and sales of products, parts and after sale services are of the main confirmed policies of IDRO.

He then mentioned some of the actions taken by the organization regarding the project for manufacture and supply of civil helicopters and stipulated that currently they are pursuing preparation of a draft for the commercial project for final agreement by the shareholders.

Nabavi also expressed hope that with operationalizing this project, the needs of the country to light civil helicopters will be met.

In the meeting, Igor Panshin, Sales Director for Civil Helicopters of the Russian Helicopters Holding, introduced Kamov 226T and other products of the company and stipulated that there are huge potentials for cooperation with IDRO. Then IDRO and Russian Helicopters signed a MoU on cooperation.

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 70017622
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Dec 17 2022 14:26
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