Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Mar 5 2023 - 09:41
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IDRO, SATBA Sign MoU on Sustainable Reducing Electricity Consumption in Industry

Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (ISRO) and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA) signed a MoU on cooperation in coordination and synergy for optimizing, improving productivity and reducing energy-intensive in the industry sector.

Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (ISRO) and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA) signed a MoU on cooperation in coordination and synergy for optimizing, improving productivity and reducing energy-intensive in the industry sector.
According to the reports, the MoU which was signed between deputies of industry and energy ministers is aimed at sustainable reduction of at least 1000 megawatts of electricity consumption in the industry sector.
Creating requires grounds for interaction and coordination between producers, investments and applicants for implementing optimization projects, improving productivity and reducing energy-intensive consumption with priority on renovating and optimizing energy-intensive industrial electro motors, preparing technical and economic justification reports as well cooperation in implementing the national award of productivity award for managers in industries are of the other aims of this MoU.
In the ceremony, Head of IDRO Mr. Ali Nabavi said that last year industries and mines accounted for 36% of the total electricity consumption in the country that two-thirds of it was consumed by the electro motors and electro motors in different industries is one of the fields where saving electricity can happen.
He added that to save and reduce the high volume of electricity consumption and to improve productivity in the industry, replacement and upgrading the existing old electro motors should be put on the agenda.
Nabavi went on to say that cement, petrochemical, steel, textile, aluminums, sugar and shipbuilding are seven top electricity-intensive industries that with replacing the old electro motors with new ones in those industries, electricity equal to electricity produced by a 1000-megawatt power plant will be saved.
Then Head of SATBA Mahmoud Kamani said that since the beginning of the current government, a MoU was signed between the industry ministry with energy ministry for the 10,000-megawatt power plant and recent months some items in the field of renewable energies have been added to the list.
He added that so far 2,300 megawatts of power plant have been under construction by the industrial and mining units.


  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 70017692
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Mar 5 2023 09:41
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