Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Dec 3 2022 - 15:07
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Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) after the final auditing received the Quality Management Syste

IDRO Gets ISO9001:2015 Certificate

IDRO was evaluated based on the international standard ISO9001:2015 with an eye on improving constant quality of its process and activities, and deployment and implementation of quality management system, and the organization could get the related certificate from SGS Institute.


During the ceremony for granting the certificate, Mohammad Hossein Saber, a member of board of directors of IDRO, pointed to the developmental role of the organization and said that one of the properties of the developmental organizations is their leadership and to be leader, it needs major actions in the field of identifying the ills, weak and strong points, opportunities and threats as well as having courage for renovation and fast decision-making which ultimately it leads to customer’s satisfaction.

On the whole, the ISO9001 covers the way of management of an organization for meeting its needs and expectations of customers, and legal requirements, and it is used for all non-profit and profit enterprises regardless of their size and types of products and services.

This standard assigns some requirements for planning and implementing of the quality management system and it can provide minimum conditions for the organizational success and excellence.


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  • ID : 70017605


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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Dec 3 2022 15:07
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