Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Sep 26 2022 - 11:11
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IDRO Ready to Help Renovation of East Azarbaijan Industries

 IDRO Ready to Help Renovation of East Azarbaijan Industries
Deputy Industry, Mine and Trade Minister and Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO) Mr. Ali Nabavi in meeting with Governor General of East Azarbaijan Province emphasized necessity for maximum interaction of provincial bodies with national institutions for developing industrial investment and renovation in the industries of this province.
Nabavi, who was in East Azarbaijan Province to visit industrial projects on the occasion of the government week, in meeting with Mr. Abedin Khorram pointed to the empowering approach of  IDRO and said that this organization welcomes participation of non-government sector in the industrial projects and announced readiness of the organization for sharing its accumulated knowledge and experiences in the participation processes with private sector for empowerment and legal, easing and developmental supports.
He also pointed to the emphasis of the 13th government and the ministry of industry, mine and trade on the necessity of reviving, renovating and reconstruction of national industries and said that preparing reconstruction and renovation model based on removing and reforming existing problems in the industries and creating structures for offering specialized services and support to those who benefit it are of the major axes in the reconstruction and renovation model of industries.
Then in the meeting some other issues like providing working capital required by the Machine Sazi Tabriz Company and Machine Sazi Tabriz Foundry Company were discussed.
According to Mr. Nabavi, last year and after return of Machine Sazi Tabriz Company and Machine Sazi Tabriz Foundry Company to IDRO they enjoyed 33% and 26% growth in product comparing to the previous years, respectively.
Head of IDRO then visited Machine Sazi Tabriz and Machine Sazi Tabriz Foundry Companies and talked with their managers on the problems of these two industrial units.
In the meeting, Nabavi pointed to the developmental nature and responsibility of IDRO and expressed hope these two companies would become more successful in solving problems in the near future through more synergy.
These two companies which had been privatized under the Article 44 of the Constitutions were returned to IDRO two years ago because of their problems.
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Sep 26 2022 11:11
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