Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Nov 28 2022 - 15:23
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State Management, Root of Problems in Auto Industry

Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade and Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) says the root cause of problems in management of the state sector is not the enterprise itself but the state management in the auto industry.


Speaking in the third brainstorming meeting of the auto industry activists which was held in the presence of Economy Minister at Amir Kabir University, Mr. Ali Nabavi pointed to the unprofitable auto-makers and said that if even the private sector takes over IRAN KHODRO and SAIPA car-making companies, with such system of pricing would definitely suffer losses and their accumulated losses could eventually reduce from 120,000b tomans to 80,000b tomans.


He emphasized that the root cause of management in the state sector is not the enterprise but it is the state management in the auto industry. Nabavi added that the industry ministry with coordination with all effective bodies defines the roadmap of this industry for the future custodians and we insist that internal shares should be handed over.


Nabavi stated that one of the issues is to form a competitive market, adding that the economic climate of the country in the past decades has shown us that our economy has not shown any determination for direct link to the international markets.


  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 70017599
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Nov 28 2022 15:23
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