400m Euros Saved Due to Indigenizing Manufacture of Seamless Oil Pipe

Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) announced 270% growth in contracts of Lule Gostar Esfarayen, adding that by indigenizing manufacture of seamless oil pipe, some 400m euros will be saved.
400m Euros Saved Due to Indigenizing Manufacture of Seamless Oil Pipe Mohsen Salehinia said that with implementing the project of oil saving by the Oil Ministry, it needed 216,000 tons of different types of seamless steel pipes that with the agreement of IDRO and Iranian National Oil Company it was decided indigenization of this huge bulk of pipeline with using capacities of Lule Gostar Esfarayen Company is carried out based on a certain schedule and on the priorities being announced by the oil industry.
Salehinia went on to say that it is estimated with production of 27,000 tons of pipelines in this year beyond the required amount in the agreement, the country would save 400m euros and this has happened due to full time activities of workers and experts of Lule Gostar Esfarayen.
Then Deputy Head of IDRO on renovation and exploitation Mr. Mohammad Nouri Amiri said that besides this volume of production in the current year, some 30,000 tons of different types of pipelines are under production in this industrial unit which are needed for projects of Ramshir, Mansouri, Nargesi, Maroun, Bi Bi Hakimieh, Resalat, Danan, Saadat Abad, Kabood, Forouzan, Siahmakan 1 and 2, Ahvaz 2 and 5 and Mansourabad.
He also referred to the focus of IDRO in implementing developmental policies of Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade for increasing the capacity of production of the subordinate units of IDRO. He added that this developmental organization has some plan on agenda for completing increase of volume, renovating the production lines of Lule Gostar Esfarayen with using the most equipped and state-of-the-art machineries in order to create better condition for steel and production and even exports.