Austrian Delegation Meets Head of IDRO

Austrian Delegation Meets Head of IDRO
The CEO of Industrial Development & Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) known as IDRO Group met Austrian economic delegation and discussed ways of cooperation.
During the meeting, the CEO of IDRO Mr. Mansour Moazzami called for expanding all-out cooperation between Iran and Austria.
Meanwhile director on international affairs of the IDRO had a presentation on the activities of the IDRO and its affiliated companies. He also pointed to the contract with German company Siemens and expressed hope that Oberbank of Austria would remove hurdles for providing 50m euros of financing for the project.
Meanwhile, Austrian Ambassador Stefan Scholz welcomed the meeting and pointed to the historic economic and political relations between both states.
Deputy head of the Austrian economic delegation said that Austria is one of the major industrial powers of the world and asserted that Austria is pioneer in oil, gas, hospital construction sectors and pointed to the cooperation with Iranian car-makers.
At the end of the meeting, Moazzami expressed hope that problems would be resolved and called for enhancing investment and cooperation