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Bank of Industry and Mine hosts ADFIMI seminar

​A two-day seminar, co-organized by the Bank of Industry and Mine and the Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of Islamic Development Bank (ADFIMI), was held on December 17-18, 2014 with the theme of financing international plans and modeling the flow of liquidity.According to the public relations department of the Bank of Industry and Mine, in the opening ceremony of the seminar, the bank’s director for education and research welcomed the ADFIMI secretary general and his colleagues, saying that this is the second seminar since 2010 which has been held jointly by the Bank of Industry and Mine and ADFIMI in Tehran for employees of the national banking system. Morteza Naderi referred to holding the seminar as a welcome opportunity for members of ADFIMI to benefit from experiences of others in the field of education and cooperate with each other to increase knowledge toward materializing the goal of economic and industrial development of the country.The secretary general of ADFIMI appreciated the Bank of Industry and Mine and the director for education and research of the bank for holding the seminar in Tehran. Then, he presented an introduction to the association.Nuri Birtek, ADFIMI Secretary General said: “The Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of Islamic Development Bank (ADFIMI) was established in September 1987 as an independent and non-profit organization.”According to him, the association’s headquarters is located in Istanbul. Currently, the association has 50 members from 19 countries of the world. The association holds seminars and educational workshops regularly in cooperation with the member states in different countries to meet demands of the member states.Birtek expressed hope that Iranian banks and institutions would participate actively in membership plans and educational programs of ADFIMI in the future.It should be noted that the Bank of Industry and Mine, Keshavarzi Bank, and Saman Bank, are the Iranian members of ADFIMI. Meanwhile, the Bank of Industry and Mine is a member of the managerial committee of the association.According to the report, Ali-Ashraf Afkhami, the governor of the Bank of Industry and Mines, attended the first day of the seminar and welcomed foreign guests and representatives of Iranian banks and institutions. He described holding the seminar as a useful measure to improve knowledge and experience of the member states in line with the goal of economic development.

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 800108
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Jan 6 2015 00:00
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