Deal Signed for Building Arya Tire Hamoon Manufacturing Plant

In presence of industry, mining, and trade, and cooperatives, labor, and welfare ministers,
Deal Signed for Building Arya Tire Hamoon Manufacturing Plant
Arya Tire Hamoon Industrial Company, a subsidiary of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO), and Dam and Water Works Construction Company (SABIR) signed a deal for building a tire manufacturing plant in the city of Zabol. The minister of industry, mining, and trade, and the minister of cooperatives, labor, and welfare attended the signing ceremony.
A total of 8400 billion rials (around $220 million) will be invested in the project and the plant will be built over the course of four years. The project is estimated to create 1,344 direct jobs and 5,000 indirect jobs, according to IDRO News.
The Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) is the executor of the project and Arya Tire Hamoon Industrial Company, represents IDRO in the project. IDRO owns one hundred percent of the company.
****Tire manufacturing plant in Zabol contributes to development of Sistan-Baluchestan province
The managing director of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran; Norouzzadeh, managing director of the Social Security Investment Company (Shasta); and the governor general of Sistan-Baluchestan province also attended the signing ceremony for building the tire manufacturing plant in Zabol. During the ceremony, the minister of industry, mining, and trade said the plant is aimed to export half of its products and it will contribute to the development of the central district of Sistan-Baluchestan province.
Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh added that Sistan-Baluchestan province is a vast and large province. Lots of work should be down in the province’s northern, southern, and central parts, he stressed.
Nematzadeh said that a large steel industry complex will be established in the port city of Chabahar, south of the province, adding that building a petrochemical complex and developing the Mokran coastal area are getting off the ground. These projects will give an importance as high as Assalouyeh to the region.
****Administration places priority on job creation in deprived areas
The minister of cooperatives, labor, and welfare also briefed the audience during the ceremony for signing the deal to establish Arya Tire Hamoon Manufacturing Plant. He said that the unemployment and deprivation rates have been taken into account as the main indices in preparing plans toward job creation in the country. Launching the Zabol tire manufacturing plant will transform the situation of employment in Sistan-Baluchestan province, he noted.
Ali Rabiei went on to say that from the administration’s point of view, the project is multilateral and just building a tire manufacturing plant has not been followed up.
Rabiei referred to the equitable distribution of economic growth, improvement of regional growth, and improvement of Sistan-Baluchestan province’s share of gross domestic product as the administration’s goals from implementing the project.
The minister of cooperatives, labor, and welfare touched on the jobless rate and deprivation as the main indices in preparing plans toward job creation in the country, saying that allocating $1.5 billion to job creation plans will be proposed after the Eid al-Fitr holidays to the parliament. Banks have also been obliged to invest the same amount in the plan, he added.
The priority will be placed on underprivileged provinces, including Sistan-Baluchestan, Rabiei said, adding that vacant capacities for creating jobs in different regions, especially in villages of the province, have been identified. Job creation in ICT, fishery, packaging, and tourism in Sistan-Baluchestan will be put on agenda, he concluded.