Head of IDRO Visits Int’l Downstream Oil Industries Exhibition

Deputy Industry Minister and Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) visited Iran Downstream Exhibition which was one of the most important events in the country in the field of downstream oil, gas and petrochemical industry.Head of IDRO Visits Int’l Downstream Oil Industries ExhibitionMohammad Baqer Aali visited most pavilions in the exhibition and during his visit said that the policy of the ministry is after identifying and centralizing needs of downstream industries in field of oil, gas and petrochemicals and it is after easing cooperation between those industries and the knowledge-based companies.He added that the exhibition was a good opportunity for domestic companies to put on display their activities and future innovations regarding the market demands.The exhibition was held in Tehran on Feb 2-5 February.Mr. Aaali also visited the First Iran Build and Property Show and the 18th International Exhibition of Accessory and Furniture Machinery, Equipment and Related Industry which were held simultaneously with downstream industries exhibition.