IDRO, Swedish Company Cooperate on Building 600km Oil Pipeline

IDRO chairman Dr. Moazzami holds meeting with Swedish industrialists,
The visit of Swedish prime minister and his accompanied economic and industrial delegation amid propaganda by some certain countries indicates Sweden's interest in developing relations and ties with Iran.
Dr. Mansour Moazzami, the deputy industry minister as well as the chairman of the board of directors of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) in a meeting with representatives of Swedish economic and trade companies said that in all meetings with foreign economic delegations we urge them not to look Iran just as a destination market. Sweden and other countries should create joint ventures with Iranian partners.
The chairman of the board of directors of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran referred to the long term cooperation with Sweden in the car industry, saying "We hope that through negotiation we will encourage them to make investment."
Dr. Moazzami added that over the past year since the implementation of the nuclear deal, out of the 19 memoranda of understanding signed, 7 have led to signing deals. Meanwhile, 2 draft agreements will be finalized by the end of the current year. Out of the 7 deals signed, 3 have come into effect.
The chairman of IDRO emphasized that "We should pay attention to international issues and simultaneously do our jobs. There are appropriate fields of cooperation with Sweden. The combination of the Swedish delegation shows that they are seriously after collaboration with Iran."
During its stay in Iran, the Swedish delegation is planned to sign a number of agreements with different sectors, one of which is expected to be signed between one of IDRO subsidiaries and a Swedish company for taking part in a tender to build a 600km oil pipeline for the National Iranian Oil Company.
Moazzami concluded by saying that there are some 110,000 Iranians living in Sweden, a majority of them are educated and highly capable. This is an opportunity for the two countries.