Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Apr 13 2019 - 00:00
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IDRO Plans Maximizing Production Boom and Indigenizing


Deputy Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO ) says the group has plans for the New year to maximize production boom and boosting domestic production by employing all capacities and capabilities of domestic industries.

In the first working day of the New Year and in the meeting of officials and staff if IDRO and its affiliated companies Behzad Etemadi pointed to the Supreme Leader s New Year speech and naming of the year “Boosting Production “.

adding that now it is not the time for trial and error because the cruel sanctions continue and it has worsened the climate for Production but with good and wise planning the country can put aside this hard time.

He also pointed to the major activities of the IDRO in Fields like auto industry , renewing trade , navigation , marine industry sectors rail and energy.

He reiterated that human resources are the major assets of any economic entrepreneurs and urged all expertise committees of the group to play more active role for presenting wise and comprehensive plans for the board of directors .

Etemadi also pointed to the progeress and achievements of the country in the start – up sector , reiterating that IDRO will be focused on supporting those companies and start – ups .

He also called for full utilization of capacities and capabililties of the domestic industries for boosting domestic production to Materialize the Supreme Leader S slogan.

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 8001467
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Apr 13 2019 00:00
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