IDRO Supporting Developmental Projects of ISOICO

Deputy Industry, Mine and Trade Minister and Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) during his visit of Iran Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Complex Co (ISOICO) said that IDRO supports developmental projects of ISOICO for boosting its capacities.
During visit of different sections of ISOICO, Mr. Mohsen Salehinia said that using the repairs section of the complex in recent 2 or 3 years has been accelerated and it is being done with better condition regarding the provided condition, although more investment is felt to be required for completing and developing the lateral workshops and completing the equipment.
He went on to say that Persia Hormuz Company, the subsidiary company of ISOICO, due to its contract with Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) takes advantage of its capacities relatively well, and with more synergy in the manufacture of small vessels or repairing, its exploitation will become more.
Salehinia noted that in the field of manufacturing, for some years the capacity of the complex has not been used properly and for this reason some talks are underway that shipping companies order building of some vessels and probably in the near future, we will see signing the agreement for building two 38,000-ton vessels.
He said IDRO is considered as the arm of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade in the field of industrial investment, and it is trying in collaboration with other national marine bodies to provide required financial sources for completing the developmental projects of ISOICO.
ISOICO is the biggest national marine industrial complex and one of the active subsidiary companies of IDRO which is located 37 kms off the west of Bandar Abbas.