ITC, IDRO Officials Explore Ways of Cooperation

Managers and officials of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran IDRO) held a meeting to explore ways for joint) cooperation with industrial companies in order to prepare them for expanding their exports During the meeting …
Managers and officials of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran IDRO) held a meeting to explore ways for joint) cooperation with industrial companies in order to prepare them for expanding their exports During the meeting, Deputy Head of IDRO on Planning Mr. Nouri Amiri pointed to the significance of ,training of high-ranking officials of industry sector adding that Industrial Management Organization and Commercial Educations Center are in charge of holding training courses for high-ranking officials He added that those two centers are responsible for training human resources in the national level and the International Trade Center can cooperate with them and in can mainly focus on training managers in an international level Meanwhile the director of the Asia-Pacific Bureau of the International Trade Center pointed to the mission of the center in the strategic marketing, consultation and training for the developing countries like Iran, adding that the center is ready for cooperation with the small and medium size companies in the fields of consultation and international marketing He said that the center is active in six fields which will train the business activists for international activities Deputy Head of IDRO on international affairs Mr. Seyed Ali Araqchi, for his part, compared the activities of the center with Industrial Management Organization and Magfa IT Development Center, adding that they can cooperate .together on projects which are needed by Magfa The ITC is active under supervision of World Trade Organiz.