Indigenizing Forouzan Oil Field Platforms Saves the Country 110m Euros

Deputy Industry Minister and Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) Mr. Mohsen Salehinia announced saving 110m euros with indigenization of two platforms of the Forouzan Oil Field.
According to Mr. Salehinia, IDRO has started cooperation for developing the Forouzan Oil Field as one of the sensitive Iran-Saudi Arabia joint fields via cooperation with Iran Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Complex (ISOICO) and accumulated knowledge of this complex which had earlier experienced localizing the manufacture of the gas platforms and offshore structures.
Salehinia added that the contract worth 110m euros and is aimed at manufacturing two oil platforms as well as its jackets which will be completed in two months. He then pointed to the major actions taken regarding this project.
He said Iranian Offshore Oil Company as the entrepreneur of the project has handed over the project of developing Forouzan Oil Field and based on the EPC-EPD contract format to Petro Pars and Mobin Saze Gostar Persian Gulf companies to implement the project as the contractors.
Meanwhile the CEO of Iran Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Complex (ISOICO) Mr. Salman Zarbi said that the project for developing the Forouzan Oil Field well be carried out in a joint field and approximately 100 kilometers off south of Kharg Island aimed at increasing the production from 28,000 bpd to 40,000 bpd through setting up new facilities, drilling new wells and repair of the existing wells, and using ultrasound technology with gas lift.
Iran Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Complex (ISOICO) as the biggest infrastructures in the national marine industries has had considerable activities in the past like manufacture of several gas and oil platforms as well as manufacture and repair of different container ships and oil tankers and repair of drilling rigs.