Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Mar 1 2015 - 00:00
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Mobarakeh Steel Company Named Iranian Superior Company of the Year

​Mobarakeh Steel Company was named the Iranian superior company of calendar year 1393 (March 2014-March 2015) and won the organizational excellence award. Industry, Mining, and Trade Minister Eng. Ne’matzadeh, Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) Chairman as well as Deputy Industry, Mining, and Trade Minister Dr. Norouzzadeh, and a number of managers of economic government and non-government manufacturing and service enterprises attended the 12th national seminar on organizational excellence.  Mobarakeh Steel Company scored 651 points and won the golden trophy for excellence for the first time during the 12 editions of the award.Khouzestan Steel Company won 551 points and received the silvertrophy for execellnece in the field of construction and production. Farasan Company and Pasargad Bank scored lower points. Farasan Company won a silver trophy in the same section, and Pasargad Bank won a silver trophy in the service sector. Mehr Eqtesad Bank, Saipa Yadak Company, and Mazandaran Province’s Gas Authority received crystal trophies in the service sector. Meanwhile, Esfahan Steel Company, Iran Power Plant Projects Management Company (MAPNA), Middle East Mines Industries Development Holding Company (MIDHCO), and Mapna Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing Company (TUGA) scored 451 points and received crystal trophies.It should be noted that managing directors of the companies, which gained points to receive trophies and plaques of honor, received the awrdas from Eng. Ne’matzadeh, Dr. Norouzzadeh, and Dr. Rajabbeigi, the managing director of the Industrial Management Organization. According to officials in charge of holding the seminar and offering the awards at the Industrial Management Organization, the national superior organization for execellnce will be introduced every year.

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 800114
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Mar 1 2015 00:00
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