Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Mar 16 2021 - 00:00
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Necessities of Industrial Development of Neishabour Examined



Salehinia and Rasoulian accompanied by representatives of constituencies of Neishabour, Firouzeh and Zebar Khan to Majlis Mr. Ehsan Ardakani and Mr. Hajer Chenarani reviewed problems and issues as well as capabilities and industrial development capacities in those towns and paid visits to the factories and industrial parks of this region.

During the meeting, some joint meetings were held on accelerating the process for investment and required support from these developmental organizations, and enhancing convergence between national and regional organs for boosting production and industry in the province.

Visiting Nafis Part, Poolad Plastic and Khorasan Exhaust Manufacturing companies as well as Khayam, Kamal and Attar industrial parks were on the agenda during the visit.

During his visit to the different production line of Khorasan Exhaust Manufacturing Company and affiliate companies to Iran Khodro, Mr. Salehinia emphasized reinforcing the chain of domestic production and deepening the domestic production.

Khorasan Exhaust Manufacturing Company is the manufacture of different types of exhaust which has the rise in production on the agenda.

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 8001500
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Mar 16 2021 00:00
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