Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Oct 7 2017 - 00:00
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Taking Maximum Advantage of National Power Requires for Materializing Objectives of Resistance Economy


In his visit to MAPNA locomotive Factory along with his accompanying delegation. Idronews-Materializing objectless resistance economy strictly hinges can taking maximum advantage of nation, capacity and poser, Public Relations Department of Industrial Development end Renovation Organize eon of Iran PRO) anointed the above statement.In his visit to MAPNA locomotive Factory along with his accompanying delegation. Chief Executive of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran ODRO) Mersey Mdazzami was briefed on the high capabilities and potentials of des industrial and production group.It should be noted that MAPNA locomotive Group is busy awake in the Red oi lad industries.Materializing Objective of resistance economy strictly hinges on using high potentials and capabilities of me national power.He, who is the deputy minister of industry. Mine and trade, pointed to the economic challenges facing the country and Said: ‘Unemployment is one of the most important cheatings facing the country especially among educated rd. teamed strata of society’MAPNA Group is a national asset for the country and this issue shouted be taken into serious consideration. he said adding: ‘Benefitted from the cooperation of 15,000 industrial manpower, this industrial and production unit plays a Spading role in generation of employment in the country and it is an important issue at the current situation’.Wide placing special emphasis on boosting rail industry in the 6th Fie-Year Socioecoornk and Cultural Development plan.

He pointed to the dice reed of approx. 8000 to 10.000 urban war and also 25,000 – 35.000 intercity wagon in the course of this Plan and reiterated. Presently suitable ways have been paved for the government in rail industry of the country. So that high capabilities of MAPNA Croup should be used optimally.In the end. Chief Executive of industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) Mansour Molazemi expressed his hope to the joint cooperation between IDRO and MAPNA Group and retreated: ‘Rosy and bright future is waiting for this industrial and production group in the country.​

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 800429
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Oct 7 2017 00:00
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