Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
  • Mar 12 2013 - 00:00
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Under IDRO support, JEMCO manufactures first 5500KW electromotor in Iran

For the first time in Iran, Jovain Electrical Machines Industries Company (JEMCO) designed and manufactured a 5500 kilowatt electromotor benefiting from domestic expertise.

Mr. Mohammad-Ali Vafaee, the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization’s director for production development and renovation, said that in the current Iranian calendar year, which has been named the Year of National Production and Supporting Iranian Labor and Assets, JEMCO, the manufacturer of kinds of electromotors and generators, has managed to design and manufacture the first 5500 kilowatt electromotor which is used in steel, mining, casting, and other heavy industries in the country benefiting from domestic expertise.

All the designing and manufacturing processes have been implemented with a quality comparable with foreign-made rivals by JEMCO within a period of three months, he noted.

Vafaee referred to specifications of the 5500KW electromotor, including its high efficiency, adding that the electromotor operates at 1000 rounds per minute and generates 6300 volts meeting IEC60034 European standards. Its price is about one third of European-made samples, he said.

The IDRO official explained that a limited number of companies hold the technology for designing and manufacturing electromotors of up to 2000KW output. Manufacturing each electromotor inside the country will save about $400,000, he added.

It should be noted JEMCO is a subsidiary of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization. It manufactures electromotors and generators. It has managed to indigenize the technology for manufacturing electromotors which are used in heavy industries.

The company has been turned into a center for repairing kinds of electromotors in the region. Several huge electromotors have s far been transferred from regional countries to the company to be repaired and revamped. This issue has encouraged regional countries to make orders to JEMCO for manufacturing electromotors.

Electromotors which are manufactured by JEMCO compete with European made and Chinese made products. Importing foreign made products have been made difficult as sanctions against the country have been intensified. JEMCO products are of higher efficiency, after sale services, and shorter delivery time as well as high technology compared with European made products.

  • News group : گروه های محتوا
  • ID : 80069
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تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Mar 12 2013 00:00
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