Pioneer In Globalization Of Iran Industries
Page Number :2
IDRO president proposes parallel barter system to boost Iran-Russia coop.

IDRO president proposes parallel barter system to boost Iran-Russia coop.

The president of the Iranian Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO) has sat down for talks with the head of the Russian Export Center on facilitating industrial cooperation between the two countries, proposing a parallel barter system to remove barriers to the trade of industrial goods.

 Emphasis on More Effective Role of Private Sector Formations in National Economy

Emphasis on More Effective Role of Private Sector Formations in National Economy

Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade and CEO of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) Mr. Ali Nabavi during the 27th ceremony on honoring national day of industry and mine of Isfahan Province emphasized more effective role of private sector formations in the national economy.

 Industrial Investment, the Priority in Over 260 Underprivileged Towns

Industrial Investment, the Priority in Over 260 Underprivileged Towns

Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade and Head of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) says the organization in its regional balance project intends to direct new industrial investment towards over 260 towns where they have faced the lowest investment.

 VLCC “Nasha” to Be Overhauled at ISOICO

VLCC “Nasha” to Be Overhauled at ISOICO

One of the biggest oil tankers of the world with capacity over 2m barrels of oil entered the dry dock of Iran Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Complex Company (ISOICO) for overhaul.

تاریخ آخرین به روز رسانی: Mar 9 2025 18:23
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